Friday, May 27, 2011

What's a Sister to Do?

Why, tell them about feminine energy rising...

And, perhaps warn them, how hot it is...

When sisters have been forced to keep quiet, and simply watch too long...

They lose face and wait for another moon...

But, coming an explosion...I promise, watch this space.

These paintings are all done by a man calling himself Domingo. They are part of a collection owned and housed under beds in a city called Christchurch, New Zealand, wherein earthquakes tread daily. They came from the spirit surrounding Domingo that insisted that feminine energy MUST rise up to help resolve the tremendously imbalanced issues all over this planet we call earth, our mother, our system, our world.

Our world is hurting...and, longs for everyone to listen, stand up and rise up to the basic rhythms of creativity...

You can't have a beautiful world without the complete inclusion of women.

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