Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What is Anyone to do?

Yesterday, Christchurch City's "The Press" revealled some things that most of us living here already knew. We live in a dangerous place. So, what do you do?

What do you do when those who would rather you not know, are letting you know enough to KNOW...we will have another "major earthquake of up to magnitude 7.0 during the next year"...now, that is something longer to anticipate than a tornado bearing down on you.

Being originally from Oklahoma, tornadoes are my reference point.

So, what do you do? What do you do with needing to go here, there or anywhere else outside your own home in order to live? My home is as earthquake proof as you can get it at the moment, but the Fresh Choice in Merivale isn't. And, I had to go there yesterday and was told by my husband it was 'safe enough'...I beg to differ and so did one of the employees there while I held my meltdown in aisle number three looking up at sudden death over my head. Nothing was strapped down, everything loosely stacked...I was appalled!

My daughter was with me and simply mortified by my loud enough observations to solicit the ear of one traumatized employee who adimitted "I am scared to death to come to work here, I am looking for another job and I cannot afford to quit until I find one".....

This is unaceptable.

I know we are all still in shock and completely traumatized, I know this. But, why there is no one to shut these places DOWN, until they are acceptably 'safe enough' for employees and customers, I do NOT UNDERSTAND.

I will not give Fresh Choice one more purchase EVER, for their complete and utter contempt for human life they have shown me by chasing the buck before making sure they have done everything conceivably possible to prevent loss of life in our next anticipated wave of devastation.

I waiver from one moment to the next...

Do I stay here and allow others to be in control of my safety, or do I just leave everything behind and get out now?

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