Sunday, July 3, 2011

I Met My Goddess

I awoke this morning and revelled in my FEAR-LESS-NESS.

At the prompting of a goddess, I joined a Yoga class that seems to put me back into my right body mind, of being cautious, without being terrified.
Apparently, the body stores fear in places that is released with simple stretches and breathing properly.

When I was young, I could not feel the immediate results of Yoga, but now that I am the same age as a speed sign in America and recently traumatized by living in 'earthquake alley'--I can instantly feel relief after a Yoga session that dislodges energy packets stuck in my body through fear. Fear sucks the life out of you. Yoga helps.

Witnessing what Yoga has done for a woman I am privileged to help take care of in the latter stages of MS, has made a profound impression upon me. Her practises with Yoga before becoming housebound and wheelchair bound are a direct result of how well she controls her own life now, from a body space with little mobility left to her hands and none to her feet.

But, oh, her mind...her mind is liberated!

I have not worked for this woman long, but already, she has done more to improve my life than any other person I have ever met.

She is my Tuesdays with Morrie experience and has taught me that knowing how to knowing how to live.

It has been a transformational time, which simply means, I get to leave something behind and claim something else that might or might not be new, but was certainly buried deep inside me.

LIFE...lack of FEAR...and the ability to still move my own body around freely should be enough to inspire the will to live. But, sometimes, it doesn’t...and, on those days, Yoga helps as well as reflecting on my woman mentor who puts things back into perspective.

Please do NOT get me wrong, it is not a ‘there, but for the grace of god go I’ experience. It is definitely a ‘there, is a goddess I hope to duplicate in all my life and death experiences’ bar none!

Everything about her is worth duplicating in the face of anything that happens to me. And, so I try...she recommended Yoga, and I complied...I had to in the state of awe that I was in upon meeting her, and the state of FEAR I had allowed after the last two earthquakes we had in Christchurch.

When interviewing me for the job as one of her many caretakers (which is silly to call us, as it is she who takes care of us), my soon to be mentor asked me directly, “what are you looking for?” And, I replied, “someone to make me want to stay here”...and she supplied the reasons for that immediately.

So, now you know why my ‘moving on’ is ‘standing still’...and the words I am eating for breakfast are making me into a better version of what I was whilst traumatized, now FEAR-LESS, on the back side of meeting a goddess in the flesh.

Oh my, how things are supplied to make us KNOW we are right where we are supposed to be.

Interestingly, Tuesdays are one of my days with my goddess...and Fridays...and any other time she needs me. I will not leave her, it is for her to leave me now, or, perhaps we shall go never knows and should never FEAR the living act of dying that awaits us.

I FEAR less, after meeting my goddess. And, Yoga helps, too.

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