Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cleanliness Too

As I am giving Cleanliness my last efforts before moving onto Tranquillity next week, I aspire to deserve my next eleven weeks without giving consideration to the deep cleansing of coffee pots, refrigerators, blenders, toasters, lawn mowers, garbage containers, closet spaces, personal drawers, garages, cars and other modern appliances and conventions that are supposed to be helping us, but make me a singular slave to their cleanliness.

Whew, it is only 5:38AM and I have been up since 2:20AM, so no need for my typical 5:15AM enterprise. I get up earlier than most, go to bed long after most, and now, at fifty five years of age, I have to wonder, is that my nature, or is it how I was made, in order to survive all the things that require cleaning?

Meanwhile, I read intermittently Tom Peters book Thriving On (not Amidst) Chaos (italics mine) in order to comprehend how I myself, have been managed. It is a shocking tale, but an enlightening one.

There is so much to clean up, it makes the young lethargic, unless of course they can join in some kind of army to organize help the oppressor...oh my, it’s time to clean something again!

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