Monday, February 14, 2011


In my silence, I can see more.  Much more than I do while speaking.  Hence, my friend Ben's practise to  consciously refrain from participating in trifling conversation.  For years I have been trying to do this very same thing, only say that which benefits others or myself, and even with my practise, I seldom achieve the results I hope to see.  However, I am convinced that the effort makes a significant difference and though I often fail to word my conversations to be as beneficial as I would like, I wonder how much worse it might be without the effort applied to speak beneficially and with certain control.  With that thought, I often give myself some credit so that I do not give up the effort, when others write me off as a 'no-hoper', I recognize they cannot see me trying internally.  There is no spyware for that, though often, people say to me...

'I know what you are thinking...'

Yesterday, in my silence, I wrote the things that go into places no one sees.  Unless they use spyware or live inside of me, and last time I checked, there was only one of me in there.  Many facets of that oneness, but one me, always.  This is the meaning of the 'one god', I believe.  I believe I am responsible and the only source of control for all that I might say, but how often I hear others say to me...

'You made me...'

You cannot deny responsibility for others' actions that they believe you responsible for.  You can only remain silent and wait for them to seek their own participation in silence. can not tell this to anyone that doesn't already know it. 

My Morality Board inspired by Ben Franklin

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