Thursday, December 6, 2012

Feels Like Home

This painting reminds me of my life growing up. We were (and still are) a family of bird lovers, fascinated by patterns and at home under trees. My grandmother was a very good decorative painter, my mother still is and I was handed the tradition by them both at a time when they worried for my sanity. That time still exists, but I always get to paint my way through my less than stable moments thanks to their influence. My father was an artist and one of the first artists to throw his brushes down and take up painting with light on the computer. I have yet to master that aspect, but it 'ain't over' and I've learned to try to remember to not say 'never,' though I doubt my love for painting in light could ever match my enjoyment of getting paint everywhere and all over me simultaneously. I have a wardrobe that proves it, I am no stranger to 'getting wet' and letting it dry right where it landed. All my children inherited a strong dispostition to express themselves, too. However, one exchanged a brush for boxing gloves, another for the art of healing, another with a gift for words that makes me warn her to keep the rocks out of her pockets, and another sings like a bird. Yes, we are all artists here, and this bird thinks everyone is an artist in one way or another.

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