Saturday, June 25, 2011

Time for a Chocolate Bar

This week the New Zealand government came forward and offered to pay out those living in the red zone the rateable value of their home, so that they might be capable of moving on. There are still areas to be assessed, but it is a beginning...and, I might say, a beginning that reminds me of why I think this country is such a unique place to live.

Yeah, I know, it has been nine months for some folks, but one must remember, this is not a static event, but one that keeps on going and going and well, we rock down here, literally. Anyway, I was much relieved, even though it did not affect me personally; it helps the general feeling of hope and goodwill for all of us who are capable of feeling appreciative that we are amongst the living, bottom line.

Now, I feel the government has ‘moved on’ as was necessary for a feeling of beginning anew...I know there are glitches, there always are...and, I know there will be some people who feel that it is too little, too late...there always are...but, I still stand amazed at what New Zealand does for its citizens in disastrous situations.

The waiting was tortuous. But, I feel a lot of pride for New Zealand at this moment and thought I should step up and say so.

It even affected how I was feeling about just the moment, I am just standing around, staying put with a bit of an afterglow on.

The baby’s head has surfaced and the transitional stage we were stuck inside has begun to ease up...I am breathing more normally now...and thinking...what will it be?

As for now, I think I will commit to writing about something ‘other’ than earthquakes and recovery...while this new creature is being born, I think I might go back to thinking and writing about trees, birds, gardens, imaginary worlds, shorelines, morality boards, paintings, great books, education, Brother John (there are three months of stories there) and anything else except disaster.

Phew...anybody got a chocolate bar? I am ready to celebrate!

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